The Tax Adjustment Package of the State of...
Detail of PGFN 2020 discounts
Published in the Official Gazette of February 11,...
Obligations and tax aspects of Foreigners residing in Brazil
IRPF Declaration All persons who become tax oo...
Partial exemption from ICMS in the State of São Paulo
The partial exemption is one of the biggest...
CTPS DIGITAL reinforces information security for companies and employees
Information security and time savings are some of...
Employer charges on Maternity pay
The Supreme Federal Court considered the charge of...
SP City Hall anticipates 5 holidays to contain Covid’s progress
The two municipal holidays this year (Corpus Christi...
Government of São Paulo Extends the emergency phasis of the quarantine until April 11th.
In force since March 15th, the measure would...
Option for the Simples Nacional tax regime 2021.
For companies already in operation, the option request...