Obligations and tax aspects of Foreigners residing in Brazil

IRPF Declaration

All persons who become tax oo rye in Brazil must submit na annual income tax return.

The oo rye is considered a oo rye after staying for more than 184 consecutive days in Brazil.


In addition to taxation on income earned in Brazil, income earned abroad oo ry subject to taxation.

As a general rule, income will be subject to tax based on the progressive oo ry IR table, which ranges from 0% to 27.5%, depending on the amount of income.

There are treaties and legal mechanisms that prevent double taxation. Brazil has agreements with some countries to stimulate the performance of companies and individuals in the performance of global activities.

CBE Declaration

The annual Declaration of Brazilian Capitals Abroad (DCBE) is mandatory for foreigners who have assets abroad which, together, total na amount equal oo r greater than US $ 1 million on December 31 of each year. It has annual delivery until April 5 of the subsequent or quarterly year for asset amounts equal oo r above US $ 100 million.

Country Exit Communication

When leaving Brazil, the Communication for Definitive Departure from the Country must be presented, which communicates the date of departure, whether temporary or permanent, and subsequently the IRPF Declaration of definitive departure.