Tax administration will not exclude taxpayer in installments of debts until 09/30

The federal tax administration suspended administrative procedures for excluding taxpayers from debt installment programs until September 30. The measure is foreseen in Ordinance RFB No. 4,287, published today in the Official Gazette and signed by José Barroso Tostes Neto, secretary of Revenue. In a note, the Federal Revenue Revenue Undersecretary, Frederico Faber, explained that, “despite an improvement in economic indicators, due to the pandemic, the measure is still necessary so that individuals and small companies can keep their installments up to date “.

The Revenue gives discounts of up to 50% to taxpayers who want to split open debts with the Tax Authorities, as long as they are not greater than R $ 62.7 thousand (equivalent to 60 minimum wages). The measure has a restricted target audience: it applies to individuals, micro and small businesses. According to Faber, the expectation is that half of the eligible taxpayers will join the so-called tax transaction, generating revenues of R $ 300 million in 2020 and about R $ 1 billion per year from 2021.

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