Update – General Data Protection Law.

The General Data Protection Law, popularly known as LGPD, has been the subject of many discussions, either about its content or when it will, in fact, come into force. On this last point, even though the Chamber of Deputies has approved Provisional Measure (MP) 959/2020, which provided that the law would start to take effect on December 31 of this year (with the penalties being applied only from August 2021, according to Law 14.010), the Senate thought differently.

Read more: Senado muda medida provisória e LGPD agora precisa de sanção do presidente

·        Read more: LGPD pode começar a valer hoje, mas sem um “chefe” que controle as regras

·        Read more: LGPD também protegerá dados “físicos”, como currículos e documentos em papel